Select Publications
- Imagin Consulting, LLC
- Lambert, J., & Akinlade, D. (2021, Sep 17). Op-Ed; The Great Resignation: Could Microaggressions Play a Role at Your Company? New Orleans City Business.
- Gavino, M., Lambert, J., & Akinlade, E. (2021). Diversity Climate of Respect and the Impact on Faculty Extra Role Behaviors. Journal of Business Diversity, 21(3), 97-114.
- Akinlade, D., Lambert, J. R., & Zhang, P. (2020). Mechanisms for hiring discrimination of immigrant applicants in the United States. Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion: An International Journal, 39 (4), 395-417.
- Lambert, J. & Akinlade, E. (2020). Immigrant stereotypes and differential screening. Personnel Review, 49(4), 921-938. (A on ABDC List)
- Leopold, J., Lambert, J., Ogunyomi, I., & Bell, M.P. (2019). The hashtag heard round the world: How #MeToo did what laws did not. Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion: An International Journal, 40(4), 461-476.
- Lambert J., & Leopold, J. (2019). Diversity in organizations. Organizational Behavior (pp. 125 – 163). Houston, TX: Open Stax.